Regenerative agriculture and relationships, for good.
Made in Matobo supports mission work to improve the quality of life for people in southern Africa through agriculture.
Years of experience culminating in one mission.
While this nonprofit is new, our passion for development and empowering people and our work in agriculture and discipleship has been part of our journey for years.
Ready to support this work?
This is a movement that would not exist without our supporters. Because of you, we can focus on our mission in Matebeleland South, Zimbabwe. Help support our missionaries, donate trays of eggs, or gift supplies toward our next project. Click below to see your options.
“By working together through the implementation of conservation and regenerative agriculture practices, we can heal the soil that feeds the plants, which in turn feeds all of us.”
-Charles Edwin “CJ” Isbell Jr., Farmer, Keenbell Farm, Rockville, VA
Congressional Testimony, May 12, 2021